Edale Rise Primary and Nursery School
Music plays an integral role at Edale Rise. Through the use of ‘Kapow’ and ‘The Nottingham Music Hub’, Children’s knowledge, appreciation of and skills in music progress from nursery to year 6.
School has a range of tuned and untuned instruments available as well as ICT-based programs which allow the children to appreciate and be creative with other ‘virtual’ instruments. Year 4 children have the opportunity to learn to play a stringed instrument through the Wider Opportunities Scheme and then, for a nominal fee, continue during Years 5 and 6, whilst those children identified as having a particular talent in keyboard skills can receive tuition in school on a weekly basis.
Singing is at the heart of school life. We have a specialist singing teacher that delivers weekly singing assemblies to children from nursery to year 6 and every class take part in a block of singing lessons led by the singing teacher. We also have a school choir, allowing children to participate in the social aspects of singing and performing as a collective to a wide variety of audiences both in school and in our community.
Often our topics lend themselves to investigation of different types of music from many different cultures and, indeed, music is sometimes used to launch a topic. We also allow the children to experience a variety of music genres each week in assemblies.
Details about extensions to our in-school music can be found at www.nottinghammusichub.org.uk, the website for the Nottingham City Music Hub Service which aims to support schools and young musicians through provision of additional events and resources. |
Finally, we take every opportunity we can to incorporate music as a celebration of our achievements or of world events, whether it is as part of our annual productions, through talent shows or singing performances or during significant events such as the football World Cup, the Olympics or times of religious celebration such as Eid, Chinese New Year and Christmas.