Edale Rise Primary and Nursery School
RE and Worldviews
Our teaching of Religious Education (RE) follows the guidance given in the latest agreed syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire: Religious Education for All 2021-2026
We aim to include members of the school community linked to the faiths that we will explore. Having a focus on the religions represented in the community that we serve, highlights the importance of community cohesion and celebrates diversity in all of its forms.
At this school, RE is a valued and integral part of the curriculum. We teach RE in order to:
- Develop children’s knowledge, understanding and awareness of the main world religions, their beliefs and practices.
- Encourage children to appreciate and celebrate diversity Instil in children a sense of respect and sensitivity towards people with different faiths, as befits a school with a wide diversity of culture Provide opportunities for children to explore and experience their own spirituality.
- Enable children to begin to develop their own set of values through curiosity and awareness of the world.
In line with government guidance, parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE curriculum. Parents/carers should raise this with class teachers in the first instance.